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1 Progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2017 update and SDG baselines. - Geneva : World Health Organization. - New York : UNICEF , c2017
2 Progress on sanitation and drinking water : 2015 update and MDG assessment Geneva : World Health Organization. - New York : UNICEF , c2015
3 Progress on drinking water and sanitation 2014 update. - Geneva : World Health Organization. - New York : UNICEF , c2014
4 Progress on drinking water and sanitation 2012 update. - New York : UNICEF. - Geneva : World Health Organization , c2012
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6 Progress on sanitation and drinking-water : 2010 update Geneva : World Health Organization. - New York : UNICEF , c2010
7 「母乳育児成功のための10カ条」の実践 東京 : 医学書院 , 2009.11
8 State of the world's vaccines and immunization 3rd ed. - Geneva : World Health Organization , c2009
9 Meeting the MDG drinking water and sanitation target : the urban and rural challenge of the decade Geneva : World Health Organization. - New York : UNICEF , c2006
10 Water for life : making it happen Geneva : World Health Organization and UNICEF , 2005
11 Handbook : IMCI integrated management of childhood illness / World Health Organization. Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development, Unicef Geneva : World Health Organization , c2005
12 Meeting the mdg drinking water and sanitation : target, a mid-term assessment of progress Geneva : World Health Organization and United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund , c2004
13 Maternal mortality in 2000 : estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA Geneva : World Health Organization , c2004
14 UNICEF/WHO母乳育児支援ガイド / UNICEF, WHO著 ; 橋本武夫監訳 ; 日本ラクテーション・コンサルタント協会訳 東京 : 医学書院 , 2003.9
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